In this case I'm going to explain how to assign an existent work item to multiple TFS users but keep in mind that you can also create a new work item from scratch to accomplish this.
For this example we're going to use the following variables:
TFSServer: http://tfsserver:8080/
ProjectName: ProjectMX
WorkItem: task (to customize)
How to do it:
1- Create a
2- Add users to MX_Group group
3- Customize the task Work Item:
- Using the VS 2005 Command Prompt export the task Work Item :
witexport /f OutputXMLDef /t TFSServer /p ProjectName /n WorkItem
witexport /f "D:\Temp\Task.xml" /t "http://tfsserver:8080/" /p "ProjectMX" /n task
- Change the following in the exported Work Item definition:
- Save the definition and import it back into TFS :
witimport /f XMLDef /t TFSServer /p ProjectName
witimport /f "D:\Temp\Task.xml" /t "http://tfsserver:8080/" /p "ProjectMX"
4- After restarting Visual Studio 2005 you should be able to assign tasks to MX_Group.