Monday, March 17, 2008

Assign Work Item to multiple TFS Users part. I

It is possible to assign an existent work item to multiple TFS users.

In this case I'm going to explain how to assign an existent work item to multiple TFS users but keep in mind that you can also create a new work item from scratch to accomplish this.

For this example we're going to use the following variables:

TFSServer: http://tfsserver:8080/
ProjectName: ProjectMX
WorkItem: task (to customize)

How to do it:

1- Create a i.e. MX_Group within the TFS project.
2- Add users to MX_Group group
3- Customize the task Work Item:

- Using the VS 2005 Command Prompt export the task Work Item :
witexport /f OutputXMLDef /t TFSServer /p ProjectName /n WorkItem

witexport /f "D:\Temp\Task.xml" /t "http://tfsserver:8080/" /p "ProjectMX" /n task

- Change the following in the exported Work Item definition:

- Save the definition and import it back into TFS :
witimport /f XMLDef /t TFSServer /p ProjectName

witimport /f "D:\Temp\Task.xml" /t "http://tfsserver:8080/" /p "ProjectMX"

4- After restarting Visual Studio 2005 you should be able to assign tasks to MX_Group.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Cannot create TFS Project Sharepoint Site after WSS 3.0 Upgrade

In my Test Environment, after upgrading to TFS 2008 and WSS 2.0 to WSS 3.0 an issue raised.
No team project could be created. I was pretty sure that the problem resided in the TFS - WSS mappings.

WSS 3.0 upgrade gets configured by default using the TFS server name (NETBIOS name MyTestTFS in my case). Many test environments use the NETBIOS name and this is something to take into account if you plan to move it into production in some point.

Here's the deal. I first created the complete update command for Sharepoint knowing that just the Admin site needs to be changed…but just in case:

TFSAdminUtil configureconnections /SharepointURI: /SharepointSitesUri: /SharepointAdminUri: /SharepointUnc:\\\sites

Nothing fixed at this point and now unable to create the Project Sharepoint site when creating the Team Project. A different error raised.
So I went to the WSS Local Administration site and checked the mapped sites to find that was not there. So I added it as alternate internal URL.

EVERYTHING WORKS ! Now TFS and Sharepoint are correctly mapped allowing Team Projects creation using the TFS Server frinendly name.